Website Tips

How To Purchase Domain Names – Why Do I Need One?

If you are serious about succeeding in the online marketing world, having your own domain name is vital to brand your website. When I first started out, I procrastinated to create my own domain name as it seemed to be complicated and I didn’t know the benefits of getting one….

How to Get Free Images for a Website

Nobody wants to read an article that is a sea of words. Remember that online readers are skimmers. Besides, humans are visual by nature. So adding appropriate images is a must to get people to read your content. But you don’t want to pay for those images when the budget…

Support With a Website – Who Will Help You When You Got Stuck?

Quƒick and sincere support with a website is a must for your online success. Even if creating a website with WordPress is a breeze, you will eventually hit a brick wall as a beginner and need help as you progress. In this post, I want to share with you experiences…

How to Build a Website for Free

Today I want to share with you how to build a website free, step by step. Before you start the process, please take a moment and think about your theme (niche); what your website is going to be about. The process of making money online is broken down into the following…

What is WordPress Website?

You may have heard of the term “WordPress” but what is it exactly? WordPress is a blogging and website content management platform. What I mean by “platform” is that you sit on the platform (you wish to use for your content, and then WordPress will beautifully create the entire page…
