About Me

Hi there!ย I am Yuko, the founder of Yuko’s Online Income Tips: Online Marketing for Beginners. Welcome to my website ๐Ÿ™‚

I launched this website to help people, especially beginners, who are interested in making money online, but do not know where to start. ย 

I was once a newbie myself. Back then, the internet felt like a vast sea of too much information floating unorganized. I drifted around hoping to find the information I needed and many times; it was unsuccessful. ย 

So I figured I would make oneย website where people come and receive guidance and tips on earning income online, the kind of place that I desperately wanted when I first started out. ย ย 

Why Am I Doing This? ย 

I am doing this because online business is all about helping people. ย 

As you proceed in this industry, bear in mind that your success depends on how much value you have created in other’s lives.ย 

No one wants to buy from someone who tries to sell you something for nothing. People are willing to pay money when they trust the person (or company) because of the value they have received.

The more you help, the more successful you become. I know this from experience. It is the ultimate truth in the online business world, and I strongly recommend you to keep the mindset.ย 

So here I am, striving to help you out through this website and I hope I am doing a good job! (I welcome any feedback)

Online Income Tips You Find on My Site

  • Online Income 101 – A step by step tutorial that teaches you how to start an online business with zero experience.
  • Website Tips – Once you build a website, then what? Here are tips on developing your website.
  • Traffic Tips – You have an awesome website but can you make money if nobody visits? Tips on bringing visitors to your website
  • Money Tips – Information, opportunities, success stories, facts and updatesย about making money online
  • Program Review – My honest reviews on money-making programs I have tried.
  • Scam Report – Online scams that I want you to stay away from!

My 5 Most Popular Posts

How to Start with an Online Business – Online Income 101

Does Making Money Online Really Work? – $0 to $3K in Three Years

Can I Make Money Online for Free?ย 

What is Wealthy Affiliate University? – Is It Truly Legit?

What is a Keyword Tool?

A Little About Me

I live in the beautiful pacific northwest with my husband and two cats. I have been in the field of education for many years, and teaching is my passion.ย 

It brings me joy to help people learn something new and that’s what I am doing on my website too.ย I totally believe in Karma and the spirit of pay it forward.ย 

I’m originally from Japan and fluent both in English and Japanese. If you are a Japanese person who lives outside Japan and needs support or have questions about online income, write to me in Japanese. I’ll be more than happy to help! yuko@yukosonlineincometips.com

I don’t like self-centered and dishonest people who try to take from others and not to give. I hate those scams on the internet that deceive hard-working people who are trying to make honest money online. Hence, the scam reports on my website to prevent you from falling for them.ย 

Beware, there are tons of scams online. Please always DO RESEARCH before you join any programs!ย 

I Want to Hear From You!

I want your experience at Online Income Tips to be a good, meaningful one.ย 

Please let me know how else I can help you, how I can make this website a better place. Do leave your questions, feedback, and suggestions in the comment area or contact me at yuko@yukosonlineincometips.com.

Ok, Where to Start?

Are you ready to launch your business? Or, just curious to find out how online business works?ย 

Either way, I suggest that you start from the tutorials I put together: Online Income 101 “How to Start with an Online Business”

online business free tutorialย ย 

I am not special at all, just a normal person who knew nothing about online business.

Building a business on the internet does require learning and hard work, but I know if I could do it, so can you.

The hardest part is to KEEP GOING and not to give up. As long as you don’t stop, you’ll attain your success one day.ย 

Again, I am here to help. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, do leave them below or contact me at yuko@yukosonlineincometips.com.

To your success!

Your friend,



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22 Comments on "About Me"

  1. Hi Yuko, nice to meet you and I like your Bio. I am a newbie as well.

    Take care

    • Hello Sheri, great to meet you as well.

      โ€œnewbiesโ€ can be successful too right? ๐Ÿ™‚
      I wish you a great success in your endeavor. Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Nice work Yuko , I have been scammed and your article is spot on, you need to create your own home business .

    • I am sorry that you got caught by a scam Rino ๐Ÿ™ They are everywhere online, aren’t they? I was lucky to have realized it before becoming a victim and feeling bad about myself…
      Thanks for the comment and good luck to your Endeavor!

  3. Hi Yuko,

    Wonderful site you have here. I love the layout. Clean, crisp and quite professional. Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the place to be to discover the true path on a successful online business opportunity. If anyone else is reading this, you should join Yuko and I on the inside: 10 years strong, Fantastic Training, a Free website just like this, fully functional and Live Expert Help. You’ll NOT find a better, more advanced Learn-As-You-Earn real business opportunity anywhere!


    • Hello pj, Thank you for your kind words!

      I totally agree with you. Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to learn how to be successful online as we learn.
      I never imagined that online business could be possible for me and here I am, running my own website at home… This is incredible.
      I hope to reach out as many people who need this opportunity as possible and let them know that they can do the same!

      Thanks again pj for stopping by and have a great day ๐Ÿ™‚


  4. Hi Yuko

    I really like the look of your website. It is very easy to navigate and looks clean.Great job ๐Ÿ™‚ ! Also your posts are simply put yet very informative though.
    Keep up the good work!


    • Thank you Lukas!

      I am doing my best to share helpful information with my readers. I really hope more people realize that anybody can start an online business with Wealthy Affiliate.
      Thank you for your kind words and wish you a great success in your endeavor!
      Take care.


  5. Hi Yuko

    You are doing a great job, I like your website, keep going on it.

  6. Dear Yuko,

    Wow! It is so nice to meet you. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for letting us know more about you, where you came from and where you intend on going next. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am so thankful for you making this Website because you have laid out everything so well for anyone to feel more comfortable to work towards earning an online income within the comforts of their own home. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Looking forward to more great Content like this from you for sure. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Wishing you all the best with your online success above and beyond the horizon,


    • Thank you, Angel ๐Ÿ™‚

      I am grateful that you took the time to leave such a kind comment. I truly hope that my website serves many people well for starting out online and making money online from the comfort of their own home. I know many people out there need these information and I will do my best to convey

  7. I love your honesty when writing. It comes straight from your heart.

    I am sure you will do very well with this website as well as with wealthy affiliate.

    I am also a teacher and yes it does take a lot out of you, but I would like to ask if you still teach, and if you do how you balance WA and teaching.

    • Hi Michel,

      Great to meet you here Michel. You are a teacher too! Then you know exactly what I mean when I say I have overworked myself. But at the moment, I have no intention to quit teaching as it has been so much joy to watch young people learn and grow. Currently, I teach at two colleges. If I could reduce that to one school, it will drastically reduce my workload and I will be fine doing both teaching and online business.

      I think I like to connect with my readers through writing. The internet has made it possible to reach out someone on the other side of the globe instantly, and I personally feel it is a gift. I am glad to know that you liked my writing. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by. Good luck with your online endeavor!


  8. First off – love that picture of the bear Yuko!
    It’s very interesting to read about your journey with online marketing – I have thought about getting into this myself before but I’m unsure about the work load. How often do you work at this and how long did it take you build this site up? Did you find the training difficult?

    • Hello Chris,

      Haha, I’m glad you liked the photo of the giant bear ๐Ÿ™‚

      Chris, if you wish to better your life financially or just gain a bit of a peace of mind with extra income, I strongly suggest trying to build your online business. I won’t say it brings you a quick overnight result, but your business will grow for sure, as long as you keep working at it.

      There are 2.8 billion people on the internet every day, and it continues to grow. By launching an online business today, you never know where you will be a year, 3 years, or 5 years from now. Imagine that.

      The most important thing is to get started. On this website, I provide a free tutorial “Online Income 101” that teaches you how you can get started with your online business. Check it out!

      I still have my day job and usually work 1-2 hours a day on my website, more hours on weekends, and my business is slowly but steadily growing.

      Launching this website took me only a few minutes. It’s not hard at all, but you will need training and support as you improve and refine your site. Wealthy Affiliate offers all that you need and their training are so beginner friendly. If I could do it, you sure can do it as well ๐Ÿ™‚

      Upon joining Wealthy Affiliate as a free starter member, I will be there to assist you through your online journey as well as the entire community. Looking forward to helping you!


  9. Hi Yuko and thanks for the inspiration. I have dropped by to visit on many occasions and I am quite impressed with the effort and the central theme of your site.
    I also work a ” day job ” in the heavy construction industry and even though the work is always interesting and challenging, it does take a lot out of me, and has brought me to this “turning point ” that you describe so well.

    Like you, I try to spend some time each day on my website and as much of my weekends as possible.

    All this time has been well spent and I am very happy with my progress. It is very comforting to hear of others like yourself who have made the similar journey.

    Continued good luck and success. As you well know, we make our own luck through consistent effort and kindness to humanity. Have a great day and keep up the good work!

    • Hi Paul,

      I hear you, friend! Managing between a very demanding day job and an online business at the same time has been a big challenge for me as well!
      But it is wonderful that you stick to your vision and goal for your life. You should be so proud of your accomplishment Paul. I know it has not been easy. On the side note, if you know any tips in terms of time management please share with us!

      I know the majority of people are not happy with their work life. But many of them do not try to change it, not because they are not courageous but simply because they do not how. This online income thing has come out for just a decade or so ago and many are not informed yet that this could be an option for their financial independence. I myself didn’t know a year ago there are ways to make my own business online. None of my friends knew. I was super lucky to accidentally stumble upon Wealthy Affiliate University and received the education to become an online entrepreneur! I really hope more people take the advantage of the opportunity… My mission is to spread the information to those who are stuck with their jobs and unhappy, so that they have the chance at least to make their own choices.

      Thank you for the kind words and for sharing your progress with us! It is so nice to connect with a fellow online marketer and inspire one another ๐Ÿ™‚ Lovely day to you too Paul. Take care!


  10. Yuko, I had to stop by and give your readers an inside view of Wealthy Affiliate University.

    Much like your experience, I had been searching for a company for months that would have the training and support to help me start my own online marketing business. I was pulled into to the flashy ads saying I could make thousands a day with very little investment. After all it isn’t what everyone wants. Well, I lost some money chasing these “Get Rich Quick Schemes” but learned some good lessons on what to avoid.

    I also became good at doing research on companies before investing in their programs. I was doing research on one company that you mention and found out that with no experience, I could try it for Free, learn how to build 2 Free websites by the 4th day, get a ton of training, and have access 24-7 Live Chat member support if I had any questions. The company was Wealthy Affiliate University.

    Like you, I registered for their free trial membership and I now have successfully launched my online business. You mention the member support, that is how we met answering questions in the chat room. Starting out with NO experience, I had a lot of questions. I would have to honestly attribute 70% of my success so far to the other high ranking members at Wealthy Affiliate that unselfishly give their time answering questions and motivating others to succeed.

    I would like to close encouraging your readers that if they are thinking about starting their own online business, register now and test drive their program before you spend any money. Yuko will be there along with other members including myself, to help you along your journey towards success. See you on the inside.


    • Hi Bob,

      Thank you for sharing with my readers your experience and inside view of with Wealthy Affiliate. And congratulations on your successful launch of your own online business!
      Being in this industry quite some time and have done reviews of other programs like this one, now I can state with 100% certainty is that Wealthy Affiliate currently is one of the very rare legitimate programs online, that actually help you to succeed. Honestly, if it were not with the training by Wealthy Affiliate, I wouldn’t have had my online business and making extra income!

      Whether or not you can try the product free is the key element. Successful companies, both online and offline, let you try the product free as they are confident with the value that they offer. Apple Store is such an example. You walk in, take the product in your hand and can try using it as long as you wish until you make the decision of buying it. Wealthy Affiliate does the same. You can stay a free member as long as you wish until you’re fully convinced that it’s perfect for you.

      I wish more programs stand by their programs like WA does. I realized other legitimate programs also do let you try for free, but none came even close to the quality of training and level of community support as Wealthy Affiliate. Just like you, I owe my success to so many wonderful, experienced members at WA. They answered my questions, made suggestions, give feedback on my website and overall supported me so unselfishly. Now that I gained experiences and knowledge in this field, I am eager to do the same by helping newcomers ๐Ÿ™‚

      Again, thank you for your valuable comment. Wish you a successful and prosperous 2016!


  11. Awesome website Yuko!! I love the layout, imagery and presentation. Your content is solid and quite professional. I’m quite impressed!

    Hey, where’s your video?? ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Thank you PJ!
      It’s been a slow process but I am enjoying every step of it ๐Ÿ™‚

      My video is on the other website that I just launched a month ago, as an example website to guide my audience through the tutorial, Online Income 101 on this website.
      Here is the post with the video. It’s a simple unboxing video. Don’t get disappointed ok? lol

      Thanks PJ for stopping by and commenting!


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